About Welcome BG International Friday: Welcome BG International Friday WIF) was created in response to the Bowling Green State University's international students' food insecurity exacerbated by COVID-19 and the stay-at-home order. Most international students' income is through 20 hours a week employment on campus. When the university shut down, the students were left without an income. According to BGSU's, pilot data , it was estimated that around 41% of students experienced some form of food insecurity, indicating that food insecurity was a real issue even in our community (BGSU Food Justice and Equity) WIF offers cultural and religious sensitive foods that are not readily available through the local food pantries.Some common staples are still donated by First Methodist Church and Bowling Green Christian Food Pantry. Welcome BG has thus far been able to sustain the WIF program primarily due to a grant awarded in December 2020 by the Bowling Green Community Foundation. Community involvement has included monetary and food donations. For a list of needed items, contact us. NOTE: Wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer, practicing social distancing and only handling what they are taking, are mandatory health guidelines to be adhered to.
“Thank you for this program. I just read about it in the BGSU’s newsletter. I was hesitant but found someone who had benefited from it. In fact, I would like to volunteer in any capacity to keep it going”. ("V" - BGSU International Student.)
217 S. Church Street . Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 . (567) 413-4003 . Copyright: Welcome BG. All rights reserved. 2021