The 15 member steering committee is a diverse mix of regional business, civic, economic development, faith, agency and academic leaders. The primary purpose of the Steering Committee is to ensure that the initiative fulfills its mission, which is to work to build a more welcoming and inclusive community for immigrants and people of diverse cultures that supports a more vibrant civic, economic and social fabric for all.
Steering Committee 2021-2023 -Ms. Jenny Bowers (Development Manager, Bowling Green Economic Development) -Ms. Ana Brown (Director - Office of Multicultural Affairs, Bowling Green State University) -Ms. Mary DeWitt (Workforce Administrator, Ohio Means Jobs - Wood County) -Dr. William Herald (Assistant Professor, University of Findlay; City Council Member, City of Bowling Green) -Mr. Stan Korducki (President, Wood County Hospital) -Ms. Jennifer McCary (Chief Diversity and Belonging Officer, Bowling Green State University) -Ms. Beatriz Maya (Director, La Conexión) -Dr. Kefa Otiso (Professor and Director of Global Village, Bowling Green State University) -Dr. Susana Peña (Associate Professor and Director, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Bowling Green State Univ.) -Ms. Michelle Raine (Deputy Director for Library Services, Wood County District Public Library) -Ms. Sandy Rowland (Realtor, Danberry Realtors) -Mr. Francis Scruci (Superintendent, Bowling Green City Schools) -Lt. Adam Skaff (Lieutenant and Community Liaison Officer, City of Bowling Green Police Department) -Ms. Martha Woelke (Community Development Administrator, City of Bowling Green) ADMINISTRATIVE: -Ms. Mojabeng Kamala (Coordinator, Welcome BG) -Ms. Sue Clark (Chair, Welcome BG)
Steering Committee 2020-2021 -Chief Tony Hetrick (Chief of Police, City of Bowling Green Police Department) -Mr. Stan Korducki (President, Wood County Hospital) -Ms. Jennifer McCary (Chief Diversity and Belonging Officer, Bowling Green State University) -Mr. Ammar Mufleh (Business Owner) -Ms. Beatriz Maya (Director, La Conexión) -Dr. Kefa Otiso (Professor and Director of Global Village, Bowling Green State University) -Dr. Susana Peña (Associate Professor and Director, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Bowling Green State University) -Ms. Sandy Rowland (City Council At Large and Realtor) -Mr. Francis Scruci (Superintendent, Bowling Green City Schools) -Rob Spicer (Senior Pastor, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Bowling Green) -Ms. Lori Tretter (Municipal Administrator, City of Bowling Green) ADMINISTRATIVE: -Ms. Mojabeng Kamala (Coordinator, Welcome BG) -Ms. Sue Clark (Chair, Welcome BG)
Steering Committee 2019-2020 -Chief Tony Hetrick (Chief of Police, City of Bowling Green Police Department) -Mr. Stan Korducki (President, Wood County Hospital) -Ms. Jennifer McCary (Chief Diversity and Belonging Officer, Bowling Green State University) -Mr. Ammar Mufleh (Business Owner) -Ms. Beatriz Maya (Director, La Conexión) -Dr. Kefa Otiso (Professor and Director of Global Village, Bowling Green State University) -Dr. Susana Peña (Associate Professor and Director, School of Cultural and Critical Studies, Bowling Green State Univ.) -Mr. Francis Scruci (Superintendent, Bowling Green City Schools) -Rob Spicer (Senior Pastor, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Bowling Green) -Ms. Lori Tretter (Municipal Administrator, City of Bowling Green) ADMINISTRATIVE: -Ms. Mojabeng Kamala (Coordinator, Welcome BG) -Ms. Sue Clark (Co-Chair, Welcome BG) -Ms. Margaret Montague (Co-Chair, Welcome BG)
217 S. Church Street . Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 .(567) 413-4003 . Copyright-Welcome BG . All rights reserved . 2021